Schmidt & Bender is a renowned German manufacturer of optics, specializing in riflescopes. Even though they excel at manufacturing tactical riflescopes, the hunting category has also received some updates in recent years. Last year, they presented their new Exos 3–21×50, a 7x zoom factor riflescope designed for long-range hunting. It comes with the new Single Turn (ST II) elevation turret which convinces with its temperature resistance and great tracking. This year, they’ve introduced another version of the turret which we checked out at Shot Show 2020. They named the turret ST II-B (Single Turn II-Ballistic).
Schmidt & Bender’s booth at Shot Show 2020
New features
The turret is based on the ST II. It comes with 6 position indicators (black numbers on a white background, numbered 1–6) that the user can place at any position on the turret according to the ballistic trajectory of the used ammunition. We can refer to the turret as a hybrid between a tactical and ballistic turret. This is an interesting and innovative solution, something we haven’t seen on the market before. The indicators are simple to install – you must unscrew the screw holding the turret cap in place, remove the cap, position the pins, and secure the cap back in place. You can benefit from this turret in various situations. The most ideal scenario is using ammunition of the same calibre for two types of shooting, hunting and sport shooting, for example. For sport shooting, use the standard 0.1 MRAD clicks; for hunting, use the position indicators (1 – 100 m, 2 – 200 m, 3 – 300 m, etc.) At Schmidt & Bender, they said that the turret is useful if you use a silencer or interchangeable barrels since the indicators are easy to adjust to the given conditions.
Schmidt & Bender Exos 3-21×50 with the ST II-B turret
Most existing ballistic turrets offered by other manufacturers are pre-set, meaning that they are made for specific ammunition – the values are not movable. Often the turret is supplied with different rings, each designed for a different ballistic trajectory. With ST II-B, you can quickly set the numbers according to any ammunition whenever you like, ensuring optimal precision.
ST II-B turret (source: Schmidt & Bender)
The gap for indicator placement makes the turret somewhat higher, which some shooters might consider a disadvantage. The increase in size is not significant, though.

General properties
Since the turret is based on ST II, it retains its important features. It tracks accurately (S-Spring Technology), resists extreme temperature, and is robust enough to withstand substantial forces. As the name implies, it is of the single turn type, with 15 MILS of elevation at disposal. It comes with the locking function – to lock/unlock the turret, the user has to move the lever on the side. when locked, the indicator at the bottom of the turret (between values 0 and 15) is in red colour; when unlocked, it is in green colour.
Schmidt & Bender Exos 3-21×50 with the ST II-B turret
S & B invest plenty of effort in perfecting their turrets. Placing indicators above the existing turret values is an innovative solution, making the ST II-B a great companion, especially when different ammunition of the same calibre is used for two types of shooting. The turret should be available shortly. We were informed that it is going to be available on the Exos 3–21x, most likely with an increase in price, but we expect it to be available on some other riflescopes also. We don’t know yet whether the turret can be replaced with an existing one or ordered with a new riflescope exclusively.

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Source and author: Andraž Gradišnik,