Can’t wait for the buck hunting season to begin? Roe deer are up for grabs pretty much anywhere by May at the latest. While the weak and young deer are the main targets in most hunting grounds, there’s still nothing wrong with taking a shot at a mature buck that might hove into view just once. After all, it’s humane hunting and the sustainable method of obtaining high-quality food that really count. And who doesn’t enjoy juicy venison medallions or a tender venison steak?
But you need lead-free rounds, of course, to comply with the rules in many places. The EVOLUTION GREEN by RWS is a lead-free semi-jacketed bullet with cores made of food-grade tin that ensure reliable take-down, even when shooting from distance. Bullets with conventional engineering experience a considerable drop in deformation readiness at longer distances – the EVO GREEN comes with a smart bullet design to reduce this unwanted effect significantly. The projectile is available in a SHORT RIFLE variant for the .308 Win. and .30-06 Spr. calibres as well. These versions are specifically built for short barrelled rifles (with suppressor).